Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 52 - Week 14

So this weeks challenge was one more version of a self portrait. We were asked to do a self portrait that somehow portrayed the overall emotion that is characterizing our life right now. So...if we are filled with beauty, bliss & butterflies...we can do a happy dance selfy. And...if we are stressed to the point of not being able to recognize your own life...well then we can do a different kind of image. We were told to just decide on a word/emotion that would characterize our life right come up with an idea to represent that 'feeling'.

So...I had several thoughts about my life right now...,but one thought stuck out.  Maybe some of you can relate!
Anyone feeling a little stretched for time?

1 comment:

Deone said...

Awesome!! Wish I would of thought of something cute like this! Love the way you processed!! It kinda makes me feel like life goes by like a blur because we are always so busy. You know, goes with the whole stretched for time theme.